Investors have traditionally focussed on potential returns they can earn from the shares, bonds or other securities in which they invest by considering their financial characteristics.
Investors who invest sustainably, however, take more than just financial factors into account. They realise that doing good business should not only increase shareholder value but also stakeholder value and lead to a sustainable business.
Stakeholders include more than just investors. Employees, management, board members, customers, suppliers, distributors, communities and regulators are all stakeholders who should benefit from what an entity does.
Environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors provide a framework for making investment decisions for investors who want to earn returns by investing sustainably.
These investors want their investments to promote good environmental, social and corporate governance practices.
The environmental factors used in an ESG framework seek to assess the impact a company’s business activities have on the environment, what the company is doing to mitigate that impact and any environmental risks the business faces.
To consider this, a fund manager or investor may consider a company’s:
A mining company may be regarded as having a negative impact on its environment, but some of its negative practices may be mitigated if it is also involved in mine rehabilitation, water and soil treatment and the prevention of acid drainage.
Consideration may also be given to any environmental goals for the country in which the business is located. South Africa, for example, committed at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, commonly referred to as COP26, to target carbon dioxide equivalent emissions of between 350 to 420 metric tons by 2030 and entered into a partnership with a number of developed countries to fund a transition away from its reliance on coal and other high-carbon emissions without sacrificing jobs.
An ESG framework will also seek to assess the impact a company’s business activities have on the community in which it operates.
An analysis of the social impact of a business will take into account a company’s:
While many South African companies are focussed on improving diversity through transformation, their efforts may be negated by a failure to address gender pay equity, unconscious biases such as racism or ageism.
Governance is the G is the ESG framework and focusses on how well a company is managed by it's management and its board of directors.
Considerations are focussed on an entity’s corporate governance. Factors considered include:
South African asset managers have a strong focus on governance when assessing which companies in which to invest. This is as a result of numerous governance failures. Many local companies have adopted the King IV Code of Corporate Governance.
Good governance can be key to having good environmental and social practices, but typically require a special focus.